Team 03: Beach Doghouse

by Mélody Grenier, Kim Marcotte and Alicia Isabel

Mélody's text

Hello, my name is Melody. I am in Marie-Pier’s class in grade five. I write because I present our doghouse. The theme of our house is beach because I love going to the beach. The roof is triangular, and the base is rectangular. The colours are dark blue, light blue, green, orange and yellow. It has just one floor and the doghouse is medium. On the roof, there are four sandals and four shellfish. The colours on the roof are green and orange. On the trapdoor, there are two flowers, one is used to open the trap. On the side, there is one lifebelt, one beach ball , one surfboard, and one bucket. On the bottom, there is sand, a garland, a lifebelt, and twelve paws. Behind, there is one sun, one picture of Noisette and one beach chair. On the front, there is sand, a palm tree, a small boat and a wave. The shelter has one window, one door and one trapdoor. The doghouse has two qualities. First, it is original because it has a lot of decorations. The house is comfortable because there is a blanket. Please vote for us, thanks for reading my text.

Kim's text

Hello, my name is Kim. I am in Marie-Pier’s class in grade five. I present you our doghouse. The theme is the beach. The roof of the house is rectangular. The colours are blue, green, orange and yellow. Our doghouse has one floor. Our house is medium. There are pictures, many shellfish and sandal pictures. There is a flower and a ball. There is a flower that lights in the night. Our house has a flower on the trapdoor. There is one window and one door. The doghouse is comfortable because it is spacious. Vote for our doghouse. Thank you for reading my text.

Alicia’s text

Hello, my name is Alicia. I am in Marie-Pier’s class in grade 5. I present you our doghouse. The theme of our doghouse is the beach. The colours of the walls of our shelter are dark blue and light blue. In our doghouse, there is a floor. Our hut is big. The shape of the roof is triangular, and the colours of the roof are yellow and orange. There are two anchors on the side of our doghouse. On the roof, there are some shellfish and some necklaces. On the side of the small house, there is a surfboard. There is a door and a window. There is also a trapdoor. On the trapdoor, there is a yellow flower. Our shelter is original because there is sand on the side the doghouse. Vote for our doghouse please. Thank you for reading my text!!!