Team 05: Jail Doghouse

by Blake Desrochers and Nathan Rondeau

Blake's text

Hello, my name is Blake. I am in Marie-Pier’s class in grade 5. I present you our doghouse. The theme of our doghouse is jail. The shape is a rectangular base and a flat roof. The colours are grey and black. It has one floor. The size is medium. There is a key next to the door. There is a fake claw mark. There is a window, a door, and a trapdoor. The window bar is black. The door has one window and the colour is grey. The trapdoor is square, the colour is grey. There are no stairs. It is a little comfortable, it is original, it is a little colourful and it is not finished. It is a dangerous zone. Vote for our doghouse, thank you for reading my text.

Nathan’s text

Hello, my name is Nathan. I am in Marie-Pier’s class in grade 5. Why do I write this? To present you our doghouse. The shape of the doghouse is rectangular. The colour of the jail is grey. How many floors do we have? The jail has one floor for a dangerous prisoner. The size of the shelter is big. What are the decorations of the dangerous doghouse? There is a Noisette paper in front of the shelter and it is written ”Wanted 100 000 $”. On the front of the jail, there is also a paper written ”No entry, dangerous zone”. On the left of the door, there is a key to unlock the door. In our shelter, there are paws on the wall because Noisette tried to escape. Behind the jail is a secret exit, but Noisette doesn’t know there is an exit. The roof of the jail is flat. Outside of Noisette jail, there are big paws because Noisette is angry. On the left, there is a window. There is a door, but it can be opened with the key. The door is solid, it can’t be broken. The doghouse is original because we do an escape behind the doghouse, a pipe behind it. It is also original because our doghouse has a key. Vote for us, thank you for reading my text, it is not too long and good day!