502 - Team 04: Mario Kart

Alycia's text

Hello, my name is Alycia, I am in Miss Marie-Pier's class. Today, I present you our doghouse. First, our doghouse has a rectangular base and a flat roof. Our doghouse is also very small. The colors of our doghouse are black, blue , red, brown, green, grey and white. The decorations of our doghouse are curtains, buttons and a steering wheel. Our doghouse has no windows, but it has one small rectangular door and one square trapdoor on the roof. The doghouse is beautiful and solid. The functionality is the steering wheel over the door. The originality is the theme. Thank you for reading my text, vote for us please!

Édouard-Samba's text

Hi, my name is Edouard and my teacher is Miss Marie-Pier. I write because I present Noisette's Car. The base is rectangular and the roof is flat and rectangular. The size is small. The colours are blue, white, red, orange, black, yellow, grey, and purple. The shape of the door is rectangular. There are curtains and there is a steering wheel on the top. Noisette's Car has four wheels. The house has space and a good decoration. Mario is the handle to open the trapdoor. Noisette's Car is the same as a true race car. The car is Alicia's idea. Please vote for us!

Alyssia's text

Hello, my name is Alyssia. I present you our doghouse. There is a rectangular base and the roof is flat. The doghouse is small. The doghouse is blue, pink, orange and a lot of colors. There is a decoration of Mario on the trapdoor. There is a flag in Mario's hands. There is a red steering wheel over the door and a big wing. There is one square trapdoor and one rectangular door. There is a picture of Mario's car and four flashers. The doghouse is solid and has a lot of space. There is space to put Noisette's stuff. The theme is original and the Mario on the trapdoor is original too. Vote for us please!