501 - Team 03: Hip Hop Doghouse

Alexanne's text

Hello, my name is Alexanne. I am in Marie-Pier's class. I present you our doghouse. The base of our doghouse is square and the roof is triangular. The size of our doghouse is medium. There is light blue, red and purple construction paper. There is one small purple mailbox. There is one hiphop sign over the door. There is a dog picture on the roof. There are two hearts made of hot glue. Our doghouse has a rectangular door. On the trapdoor, our team put a handle to open the trapdoor. In our doghouse, there is a lot of space. There is an opening trapdoor on the roof. There is a mailbox so Noisette can receive mail. Our doghouse is original because the other teams don't make a dance doghouse. Vote for us please.

Bianca's text

Hello! My name is Bianca. I am in Marie-Pier's class. Our doghouse is rectangular. The roof is triangular. The doghouse is medium. The roof is red. Two walls are blue and two walls are purple. The decorations are one Garfield, one hip hop image, one dog and one shoe. The doghouse has one window and one door. Our doghouse has a big space, one mailbox and one trapdoor. Our doghouse is perfect for Noisette. Noisette is a small dog. Our doghouse is beautiful. The doghouse is a very cool project for the dog.

Lou's text

Hello! My name is Lou. I am in Marie-Pier's class. The shape of the base is rectangular. The shape of the roof is triangular. The size is medium. The colours of the doghouse are blue, pink and purple. The doghouse decorations are the two Hip Hop pictures over the door and a Hip Hop picture on the wall. There is Noisette on the roof, there are caps on the roof. There is mail in the mailbox, Noisette is on the mailbox. There is Garfield on the wall and a thing on the wall. There is a Hip Hop sign on the wall and a heart on the roof. There is one square trapdoor. There is one rectangular door. The front is forty-nine cm. The roof is twenty-five cm. The wall is twenty-nine cm. The doghouse is comfortable because it is big. The mailbox can open. The trapdoor and the door open. It is original because it is pink and purple and it is a Hip Hop doghouse. Please vote for us!