Team 08: Castle Doghouse

by Louka Fontaine and Frédérick Bégin-Nadeau

Louka's text

Hi my name is Louka. I present you our doghouse. I am in grade 5 in Marie-Pier’s class. The theme of our doghouse is the castles. The colours of our doghouse are grey and blue. The size is medium. The doors are red. The crenellations are the same colour as our kennel. There are two floors. Next to Noisette’s name above the second floor, there is a little crown. There are red doors with the first letters of the creators’ names and there are handles for the door. Our doghouse has a trapdoor and a window to see Noisette. We also have a step. We have two floors and it is perfect for Noisette and Tempête. Thank you for reading my text, vote for our doghouse.

Frédérick's text

Hello, my name is Frédérick. I am in Marie-Pier’s class in grade five. I will present you our doghouse. The theme of our house is castle. The house is all regtangular and there is a rampart on it. The house has two floors. The doghouse is grey, blue and red. There is a step to enter in the house. There is Noisette’s sign over the door. There is a window in the back. There is a door to enter in the doghouse. There is a trapdoor on the house to see Noisette in it. The quality is that Noisette can go on the first floor and the second floor. Vote for our doghouse, thank you for reading my text.