Team 11: Mc' Noisette Food
by Andrew Dugrenier-Forest and Alycia Rondeau
Andrew's text
Hello, my name is Andrew D. F. I’m in Marie-Pier’s class, and today, I will present you our doghouse. The theme is Mc’ Noisette Food. The base of our doghouse is rectangular and wide with a triangular roof. The colour of the doghouse is red and yellow for the restaurant theme. On the first side, there is a Pepsi bottle, a 7up bottle and a yellow mailbox with a small letter in it. On the back, there is a functional ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise and relish dispenser. On the other side, there are three boxes: a box of Mc’ Fries, a box of Mc’ Nuggets and a box of utensils. On the front, there is the door, the Mc’ Noisette food logo, and the front of the mailbox. On the roof, there are 6 white plates and 3 of them have fries, a spot of ketchup, a spoon, a fork and a knife. There is a sandwich and a hamburger. Mc’Noisette Food is not perfect. There is only one floor and there is a bad finish touch... Please vote for us, that will make us very happy, we love you. Good bye!
Alycia’s text
Hi, my name is Alycia, I’m in Marie-Pier’s class in grade 5. I present you Mc Noisette Food. The colours of the doghouse are yellow, red, white and green. The size of the doghouse is medium. The roof is triangular. There is a box with utensils in the roof. There is a sandwich. There is Noisette’s sign. There is a pepsi, a seven up, a mailbox, fries and nuggets. There is mustard, ketchup, relish and mayo. We have the best doghouse, please vote for us! Thank you.