Team 14: Colourful Doghouse
by Zachary Provencher, Thomas Charland and Mathias Miljour
Zachary's text
Hi my name is Zachary. I am in Marie Pier’s class. The theme of our house is colourful. The roof is in triangle and we have a small trapdoor. The colours of our doghouse are red, pink, blue, black, orange, purple and white. The base of our doghouse is square. The doghouse has one floor. The doghouse is made of cardboard. We do the decorations in construction paper. The name of Noisette is written in red. We used a glue stick, scissors, cardboard, construction paper and scotch tape, but the thing we used the most is construction paper. Thank you for reading my text. Vote for our doghouse it is the best!
Thomas's text
Hello, my name is Thomas and I am in Marie Pier’s class. Today, I will present our doghouse and the theme is colourful. First, the colours are black, sky blue, green, pink, yellow, dark blue, light pink, white, light purple, turquoise and orange. The base is rectangular. Our doghouse has a triangular roof. There is one floor. The doghouse is medium. Our doghouse has a rainbow and one marshmallow mask. There is a purple curtain in front of the door. Our doghouse has a trapdoor. The doghouse has a Noisette sign. Our doghouse is original because it is colourful. Our doghouse is the best just because it is colourful. Thanks for reading my text.
Mathias’s text
Hello, my name is Mathias I am in grade 5 in Miss Marie-Pier’s class. I will present you our doghouse. The theme is colourful doghouse. The colors of our doghouse are pink, purple, red, blue, white, yellow, orange, black, green, brown and grey. That is many colors. Our doghouse has just one floor. We didn’t pay for it. Practically all the other teams paid for decorations, but we didn’t. There is one trapdoor on the top of the house and all the colors of our house are on paper. It took a long time to do, so we do not have the best doghouse because we were late, and we didn’t pay any decorations. Vote for the doghouse you think is the best. Don’t vote for our doghouse, vote for it just if you think it’s the best.