Team 16: Disney Doghouse
by Marie-Soleil Boutin and Mélodie Côté
Marie-Soleil’s text
Hello, my name is Marie-Soleil, my teacher is Marie-Pier. I am in grade 5. Our nice doghouse is pink, green, purple and blue. The shape is rectangular. Our house has one square purple trapdoor. There are two rectangular doors. Our doghouse is big because there are two floors. The decorations for the doghouse are three grey rabbits and one brown rabbit. There is one red M and M, one beautiful white and black dog and one white and brown dog. There is one small brown horse, one blue Olaf, one big Smurfette and a beautiful rectangular green name tag. On our beautiful doghouse, there is a small trapdoor that opens and Tempete can jump to go on the second floor. The beautiful house is comfortable because there is beautiful construction paper. Our doghouse is original because there is no window and no mailbox. Please vote for our beautiful big doghouse.
Mélodie's text
Hello my name is Melodie. I am in MariePier’s class. I present you our doghouse. The name is Disney House. The house is big, the shape is rectangular. The colors are pink, green, blue and purple. Our doghouse has two floors, zero window, two big rectangular doors and one access ramp. There is one brown rabbit, three grey rabbits, one red M&M and one small white and brown dog. There is one white and black dog, one big Olaf, one brown horse and one big blue Smurfette. Disney House is comfortable because it has one pillow. Tempete jumps to go up. Our doghouse is funny because Disney House is big, beautiful and comfortable. Finally, vote for us.