Team 17: Weird Animals
by Yan Guillemette and Alexandra Hurdle
Yan's text
Hello my name is Yan and I am in Marie-Pier’s class. Today, we present you our doghouse. The theme for the house is Weird Animals. Inside the small shelter, there is one floor. The sides are red and the back too. The front is yellow and over the rectangular door, there is a sign written Tempete on it. Over the sign, there is a crazy brown rabbit. The window is triangular and it is on the back of the house. For the decorations, we put a rabbit, one pony inside the doghouse, a big pink pig on the left side and a turtle on the terrible roof. The qualities for the doghouse are comfortable and inside the house, it’s warm. On the roof, we placed a trapdoor to give water to Tempete and you can check inside the shelter to see if Tempete is ok. There is a lot of space for the food bowl and the water bowl. Have a nice day and vote for us.
Alexandra's text
Hi, my name is Alexandra. I made the doghouse with Yan. I am in Miss Marie-Pier’s class. The name of my doghouse is Weird Animals. My doghouse has one door and one window. The shape of the small window is rectangular. The roof is red. The front of my doghouse is yellow. Behind the doghouse, it is red. The pictures on the doghouse are a beautiful turtle, a fabulous horse, a mysterious rabbit, one dog, one cat and a big pig. On the front of my doghouse, I wrote Tempete. The shape of my door is rectangular. My roof on my house is rectangular with a small window to check Tempete. The floor of the doghouse is brown cardboard. My doghouse has a solid floor because the floor is not glued correctly. I just took the floor and put it up in the doghouse. My doghouse is good because you can put up the floor because I said it was not glued correctly. Miss Marie-Pier can see Tempete in the house. Tempete can have a window and there is another small window on the roof. Can you vote for us? Thank you for reading my text.